Three layered muffins
We all deserve a wee treat from time to time. And after 6 weeks of cutting Iast Sunday I decided to have a wee re-feed day, I didn’t track my cals and ate what I wanted.
Ultimately, it was good for my mind, body, and soul. Slow cuts can be tough at times - so switching off can be a pretty effective tool during the process.
When I say I ate what I wanted, everything I made was still healthy and the above recipe was so good - I had to remake it.
What we have here are three-layered gooey, crumbly, chocolatey protein muffins. Super simple to make and can be enjoyed hot or cold.
One of these muffins comes to around 215 cals providing around 10g of protein, 23g of carbs and 9g of fat - meaning these muffins can also be utilised as a good post-workout snack.
Gooey Chocolate goodness
A healthy moreish hit of Chocolate, BANANA and nut butter.
Ingredients -
Preparation time around 25 mins
1 Bananas (the browner the better)
50g Rolled Oats
30g Spartan Protein Belgian Chocolate Whey
25g of chia seeds
35g of Spartan Peanut Butter (100% nuts)
1 large egg
2 tbsp of honey
2 tbsp of maple syrup
1 tbsp of cacao powder
1 tbsp of coconut oil
Method -
Preheat oven to 150C
Add your banana, egg, protein powder, honey & coconut oil to a blender. Before adding your coconut oil, bung it in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt it down. Blend.
Mix your oats, chia seeds, maple syrup and cacao powder together in a bowl, until it combines.
Then layer your muffin tray before baking. Layer one is your oat mixture, layer two is a dollop of nut butter and finally layer three is your blended mixture.
Pop in the oven for twenty minutes and enjoy 5 gooey crumbly muffins!